Does this sound like you? 

  • You’ve gotten this far using a combination of grit, a lifetime of hard hard work, and a ton of determination. Lately, though, this success doesn’t give you the sense of satisfaction that it used to. 

  • You see it one way, they see it another way and someone always has to give, so it’s usually you. You want to feel more skilled in your leadership

  • You might look cool, calm and collected on the outside, but inside you’re full of emotions- from reeling to heartbreak.

  • You’re thinking that there must be a more humane way, for you AND for others. But, you’re out of ideas. You need a new viewpoint/perspective.

  • You are feeling out of alignment, with yourself and with others. 

You deserve better. After all, we spend most of our prime hours at work. We ought to find deep satisfaction and meaning in the work we do, a sense of connection to others, and feel like we belong.

I offer one-on-one virtual coaching, online & in-person group workshops. Here’s my process:


I create a safe space for us to explore the challenges



We dig deep and I support you in self-reflection




I help you find clarity (this is my superpower)





We then explore options & build tools unique to you






You implement & I support you to fine-tune

I offer one-on-one virtual coaching, online & in-person group workshops. Here’s my process:


I create a safe space for us to explore the challenges


We dig deep and I support you in self-reflection


I help you find clarity (this is my superpower)


We then explore options & build tools unique to you


You implement & I support you to fine-tune

Boil this down and the result is transformation

 Boil this down and the result is transformation 

What Others Are Saying...

  • Amie Garcia

    I can’t thank Amie enough. I was feeling close to burnout and feeling stuck around how to build a stronger team and how to build more resiliency for myself and the 30+ direct reports that I have. There’s been a big shift in my self-resiliency. I went from feeling sometimes like I can’t do this anymore to having the strength to tackle multiple urgent items coming my way. Through self-reflection, shifting my mindset and approaching leadership differently, I now have a more efficient way to be the supportive supervisor I want and strive to be. My ability to prioritize has improved quite a bit in less than 6 months. There’s been a shift in my team as well. Through implementing a strategy that I worked on with Amie, there’s more employee recognition, quite a bit more peer to peer recognition and more voluntary cross-coverage. And, it persisted! The staff has been really receptive and I can say the team building gap is definitely closing. On top of all that, I’m now a better listener, am able to be more assertive and set boundaries for myself and am modeling all this for my staff. An extra bonus was experiencing Amie work with me and using some of the techniques with my direct reports. I 100% recommend working with Amie. She’s so easy to work with. She does a great job of challenging you in a way that doesn’t leave you feeling pressured.

    30+ direct reports

  • Amie Garcia

    I’m so grateful that I found Amie. Working with her shifted me more than I could have imagined. When we began working together, I wasn’t sure how long I had left because I wasn’t in the role I wanted to be and was struggling with work life balance. I’ve done a full 180 with Amie. I’ve changed personally and have more joy in my life. It was one of the best if not the best leadership programs I’ve gone through, and I’ve gone through quite a few! I had to really assess what was going on, and find out what it meant to be a true leader, find joy and courage. Working with her is more than just ticking off a couple of SMART goals. My whole being has changed. Amie is skilled in leadership and has the experience and tools I needed. Her ability to go with the flow speaks volumes about her approach and it allowed us to go deeper. A turning point for me was when Amie made me sweat it out and confront a difficult situation. I was able to get clear on it and see my options. I now do things I wouldn’t have before working with Amie. I am going to be stepping into a new leadership role and see that finding work/life balance makes me a better leader. I am walking away with deep learning, tools and strategies to move forward in my new role. If Amie hadn’t been in my world during this time, I don’t know where I’d be right now. Amie helped me to remember that I was built for this and I’ve got this.

    220 employees

  • Amie Garcia

    Before working with Amie, I dreaded going to work, yet I wanted to grow in my career. I needed to get my head in the right frame to get promoted and pursue my PhD. I needed to work on myself. Working with her has opened my eyes in so many other ways. I started to notice a change when I developed some tools with Amie for better communication and the darkness began to lift. I used to internalize my feelings a lot. I now have tools so they don’t get bottled up. I feel liberated. The tools we built and customized have had a major impact on me. I now believe I’m capable of doing anything as long as I put my mind to it and put in the work. If you’re thinking of working with Amie, don’t hesitate. She meets you where you’re at. I can 100% be myself with her. She’s flexible and the way she customizes her approach allowed me to achieve the breakthroughs I did in the short time that we worked together.

    650 employees

  • Amie Garcia

    2 years into my senior leadership role, I still felt green, especially as it came to relating to people. Working with Amie for 4 months, I was able to let go of the belief that I had to be perfect. I now feel more confident in my ability to calmly assess situations that often involve heated interpersonal interactions. It’s a work in progress, but I worry a lot less. As a result of our work together, I set up a regular cadence of engaging with staff and have made progress in building relationships with them. Amie held me accountable week after week. She’s patient yet challenges you with hard and probing questions. I feel that I have more ease and confidence in both my professional AND personal life now.

    30+ employees

  • Amie Garcia

    In 4.5 months I have grown in all kinds of ways. I’m a better listener, and because of this I’m a better communicator, listening wholeheartedly. I have achieved huge wins in my one-on-one meetings with my direct reports with simple tools I uncovered in my work with Amie. I have greater self-awareness, more confidence and it is spilling over in positive ways in my personal life as well. Something shifted in my work with Amie, and it stuck. There’s no going back! I’m no longer shying away from the hard things. I’m learning to embrace the discomfort of difficult situations and now believe I can do it, one step at a time. Amie and I worked through challenges I was facing, but I always left every session feeling positive. Take advantage of working with Amie! If you’re open to doing the work, you WILL grow!

    650 employees